Starbound save editor 1.2.2
Starbound save editor 1.2.2

starbound save editor 1.2.2

  • The same principle applies to any modifications you make to your system, I would like you to ask me before you do any manipulations that aren't in the instructions I posted.
  • about your computer, please ask it in this thread and I'll assist you
  • As long as I'm assisting you on BleepingComputer, in this thread, I'll ask you to not seek assistance anywhere else for any issue related to the system we are working on.
  • However, I'll always reply within 24 hours, 48 hours at most if something unexpected happens This is because I need some time to analyse them and then act accordingly.
  • As you'll notice, the logs we are asking for here are quite lenghty, so it's normal for me to not reply exactly after you post them.
  • Since we'll be working together, you can call me Aura or Yoan, which is my real name, it's up to you! Now that we've broke the ice, I'll just ask you a few things during the time we'll be working together to clean your system and get it back to an operational state. My name is Aura and I'll be assisting you with your malware issue. I do not know if these files had enough time to fully execute, would someone here be kind enough to look into this and help me ensure that I have not been infected and no damage has been done? $exec = New-Object -com shell.application $CheckFile = Test-Path "$env:APPDATA/pqs.bin" Start powershell.exe -windowstyle hidden -executionpolicy bypass -file devmdn.ps1

    starbound save editor 1.2.2

    The contents of the two files when viewed through notepad++ are as off I looked at the file more closely and found it is a hidden. I looked at the site later and found out that all of the links on the page just loop back to the same address every time and the flash player file was being downloaded from someone's dropbox account. I know this is bad for my computer but it was the fastest way to stop the malicious file from doing whatever it was doing. I reached behind my computer and unplugged the power when I saw that it opened up a command prompt window. I downloaded the file and ran it thinking that maybe my flash player was out of date, I wasn't thinking.


    A Steam user sent me a message with a link to a fake video sharing site, it's made to fool you into downloading a fake flash player install file.

    Starbound save editor 1.2.2